New year, new motivation – micah

A lot has happened since my last post on here. – I completed my 5K. Yes, “completed,” not “ran.” I got horrible back spasms about halfway through the course. I tried to battle through them, but I just couldn’t. So I walked the rest of the way. Still, I finished. And I loved it. – … Continue reading

Twenty-five minutes! (a Couch 2 5K milestone) – micah

There are a lot of things I can do for 25 minutes without stopping. Read a great book. Write an article or blog post. Watch “Glee” (ok, they’d never allow 25 minutes without a commercial). Refresh facebook or twitter. I can now add jogging to that list. I hesitate to say running because I’m definitely … Continue reading

Self-Flagellation is SO Last Year – Bell

So in the past month and a half, I have quit my job in Massachusetts, got a job in NYC. Lived on Caroline’s couch for like 3 weeks, moved into a tiny temporary sublet in Murray Hill where I’m living with a very nice eco-friendly guy whose girlfriend is in Japan for the 2 months … Continue reading

I didn’t take Bethenny on my vacation – micah

I just returned from a much-needed vacation.  Surrounded by sun, sand, music and some of the most amazingly fun people, I left work, worries and real life behind me.  Unfortunately, this also meant leaving Bethenny’s rules behind…for the most part. Our beach house was full of junk food (it’s the easiest to prepare after a night … Continue reading

save the best for last? – kp

Never again. Do you ever eat something and save your favorite part for last? Do you eat the orange skittles first? Save the marshmallows in your cereal for last? Eat all the ice cream and save the cookie dough for the end? Cut it out!! I’ve realized that I’m over eating when I save the … Continue reading

Less stress, weigh less – micah

Earlier this year, I spent a weekend with my best friend in Houston. I was in the midst of my calorie-counting attempts, but since I was on a mini-vacation, I decided to let myself off the hook for a few days. My best friend is a fabulous cook, so she treated me to enchiladas one … Continue reading

How to Commit to Being Physically Active- Marie

Everyone has their excuses for ditching their work-out- “I’m too tired.” “I have to work.” “I’d rather go to Happy Hour.” So how do you commit to making physical activity part of your daily routine? Similar to the way you make brushing your teeth and washing your face part of your everyday life- it’s a commitment. It’s a gift you are giving yourself each time you decide to get off your couch and participate in life.

Treat Yourself Well

Why do we think things that are terrible for you are the most delectable?? I mean, sometimes I just want to dive into a rich fudgy chocolate cake. But when I stop to think about it, most of the best foods I’ve ever eaten have come from fresh, healthy ingredients. Think about how good a … Continue reading

Ditching the Word “Diet”

I got to the eye doctor ten minutes early for my 5:30 appointment when the receptionist said, “We’re running about an hour behind.  I hope you brought a good book”. Insert her semi-apologetic look here. Damn.  Of course, this was the one day I DIDN’T have a book in my bag.  Not to worry. There … Continue reading

falling off the wagon – becky

I am the worst. I mean, really. The problem with summer break is that there is absolutely no structure in my life. This means that half the time I’m tempted to start eating just because there’s nothing else to do. (Also, that I forget to keep up with commitments like contributing blog posts) (Sorry!) Normally … Continue reading


    this blog belongs to the girls who are writing it, and not bethenny frankel. we are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed by bethenny frankel. but we wish we were.