falling off the wagon – becky

I am the worst. I mean, really. The problem with summer break is that there is absolutely no structure in my life. This means that half the time I’m tempted to start eating just because there’s nothing else to do. (Also, that I forget to keep up with commitments like contributing blog posts) (Sorry!) Normally … Continue reading

ignoring the food voice – becky

I decided to start the C25K program yesterday morning. The C25K is a running program that is supposed to get you from a Couch potato 2 jogging a 5K in nine weeks. The program starts you out doing a combination of jogging and walking, increasing the jogging time every week, so eventually, you’re jogging a … Continue reading


This past week we launched the blog, added some fun widgets (including the option to subscribe! do it!), and brainstormed about ways to keep the blog interesting and exciting. Here’s what everyone has to say about last week: Becky: The best part? After a month off, I can STILL do my 5.5 mile bike ride. … Continue reading

rock that body – becky

Today I didn’t feel like doing any working out at all. Normally, I’ll take out my bike or crank out some pushups and crunches and the like, but today I didn’t really have the time to take an hour out of my life to work out. So I started thinking about little ways to be … Continue reading


    this blog belongs to the girls who are writing it, and not bethenny frankel. we are not in any way, shape, or form endorsed by bethenny frankel. but we wish we were.