TWW – Keep Calm and Carry On

I can’t believe I’m sitting (oh, this is Caroline by the way) in my apartment reflecting on the past week.

It seems like just yesterday I was figuring out how to navigate the food noise and voice for the upcoming 7 days.

All the girls fulfilled the challenge (and it was a challenge) in their own way. Some of us had an easier time than others.

Listening to the food voice/food noise took some training. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. Sometimes I forgot to listen at all. Personally, I decided not to step on the scale this week.

Here’s something I learned about my eating habits this week: because my job has an employee cafeteria, I usually have free lunch downstairs by myself. I’ll bring a book or a magazine or if I’m lucky, one of my co-workers will go down at the same time and I’ll dine and chat with one of the people I work with. This past Friday, I ate by myself for 40 minutes, feeling satisfied with just HALF of the food I had on my plate (pasta and a big salad). As I was about to get up to leave, my boss came and sat across from me. 20 minutes later, all of the food on my plate was gone. I mindlessly picked and chomped my way through half a plate of food I a) wasn’t hungry for and b) didn’t even taste.

Now I know to clear my place and then return to the table to converse if I happen to be in that situation again.

So while my food voice and noise are audible while I dine solo, the both get drowned out by the voices of my friends if I choose to eat in a social setting.

So this week’s challenge is the next rule in Naturally Thin is TASTE EVERYTHING, EAT NOTHING. Europeans are surrounded by amazing food at every meal, but manage to not have the weight issue that the USA does, Bethenny points out. That’s because they basically try a little bit of everything, but never eat all of anything.

From my experience in Sicily (Bell and I were there together!), she has a point. I really thought I would gain weight what with every meal including a croissant or pasta or gelato. But I came back from Sicily SKINNY! My mom (biggest critic) told me I looked thin upon my arrival back to the states. That’s because I would have a few bites of everything I was given, but never cleaned my plate.

Here is a picture of Bell and I in Sicily!

So now, for the next week (while listening to food noise and food voice of course), I will eat with the same habits I used to eat while traveling through the island of Sicily. The fact that I remember eating a LOT but still came back thinner says a lot about this rule from Bethenny.

Will anyone else take on the challenge with us?

2 Responses to “TWW – Keep Calm and Carry On”
  1. Micah says:

    That’s a really great strategy. I’m going to take this on.

  2. Ally says:

    Great plan! I’m in! I think this would leave us wanting or craving LESS too because we’d be having a little of everything. 🙂

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